Food Pantry

The Food Distribution is every 3rd Wednesday of every month from 4:30PM to 6:30PM.

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About the Church of the Loving God Pantry

Each month, our church feeds 250 to 300 individuals. 
The great thing is that we are teamed up with the San Diego Food Bank. We are able to buy food to stock the church food bank with non-perishable items for our distributions, emergency food, and monthly.   Also, we are able to purchase enough food, with church donations, to give to our community. 


San Diego Food Bank 

A logo for a food bank

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The Food Bank works to acquire, store, organize and distribute food through some 330 nonprofit organizations including food pantries, soup kitchens, homeless and residential shelters, youth programs, senior centers and low-income daycare centers.  They also distribute food directly in 183 distribution sites throughout the county. 

How it works: 

·        The Food bank received food from a variety of sources, including food drives, the USDA, growers, retailers and wholesalers. 

·        Volunteers inspect and sort the food. 

·        Food is categorized by food group and boxed and bagged for distribution. 

·        Food is distributed directly to families and individuals at 183 distribution sites throughout the county each month, often in parking lots. 

·        It also supplies food to 350 nonprofits that operate feeding programs.  Nonprofits pick up the food at the warehouse and distribute it to those in need.  

A warehouse full of boxes and boxes

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Boxes of red apples on a pallet Description automatically generated

Our partnership with the San Diego Food Bank has made it possible for our church pantry feeds 200 to 250 individuals each month as shown on the chart below. Church volunteers shop at the San Diego Food Bank each month for food for families in our community. We get 1000 to 1500 pounds of food to distribute. 

A graph of blue squares

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A graph with yellow and green bars

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Yearly, our food panty distributes 15,000 pounds of food to feed families in our community. 

A graph of a number of pounds

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Emergency Food 

Our church panty is sock with food so that we can give to people with Emergencies. We are signed up with 211 as partners with the San Diego Food Bank. When individuals need food, they call 211 for the food pantries closes to them to receive food. In addition, if individuals or families call our church and need assistance with food. We will provide food for that individual or a family.   

Dry Non-Perishable 

Shelves with food on it

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Canned Non-Perishable 

A storage room with a refrigerator and cans

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Monthly Food Pickup 

A sign with text and a basket of food Description automatically generated

Distribution Day at the San Diego Food Bank volunteers, on the third Wednesday each month go to the food distribution center get food.

Another group of volunteers unload the trucks and other vehicles for another group to organize and unpack boxes of food so it can be bagged for distribution to families in our community.  

A group of people loading a truck with watermelons

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Organizing and Bagging 

Each month we give out 4 grocery bags

  • 1 bag of dry goods 
  • 1 bag of canned goods 
  • 1bag of produce 
  • 1-5lbs of meat 


This year our spending  $1200: 

  • Monthly purchase is $80-$100 for meats, canned goods, and dry goods   All breads and produce are free. 
  • We were able to purchase about 12,000- 15,000 pounds each year. If you would like a distribution each month like me know